
Welcome to Jaleswar College
Jaleswar is the most remote area of the Goalpara District. The people in this area are backward socially, economically as well as educationally. There was no any institution of Higher Education in Jaleswar. At that time Hon‟ble Afzalur Rahaman was an M.L.A of Jaleswar Constituency who keenly observed all the scenario of his constituency and tried heart and soul to fulfill the entire aspects. In order to educate the poor and downtrodden people of the constituency, Afzalur Rahman decided to establish such kind of institution which is the part and parcel to develop the society. His high and philosophical thinking and love for the people encourage him to face any challenge to establish a college in such remote area. The needs of the people came to his soft heart spontaneously and take a bold step to establish a college.
Principal Message
It is a matter of great pleasure and profound satisfaction to me that the B.A. (Semester) Admission prospectus is being released by the college. The time will come for the students to take admission in the B.A. classes in the best institution they opt for. Jaleswar College is the only Higher Education institution in the remote area of Goalpara District which caters the needs of
the poor and downtrodden students. The college has made rapid progress in the field of higher education. In the age of globalization and promotion of excellence in the academic contributions, the importance and value of
quality education need to be emphasized. It is necessary that we should change with the time and develop ourselves in all respects to
face the challenge of time. I remind few lines of the poem „The Professor‟ by Nissim Ezekiel

Dr. Abdul Mannan, M.A ,Ph.D
Code Of Conduct For Students
🅐 Wearing of College Uniform during college hours is compulsory.
Description of uniform (Boys & Girls)
BOYS: Black long Pant & White Shirt
GIRLS: Salwar Kameez & Mekhela chador Dopatta : Green Salwar top: White Salwar pant: Green Mekhela: Green Chador: White colour with Green Stripe Blouse: Green
🅑 Students must be regular and punctual in attending their classes.
🅒 Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within and outside the college campus. Anybody
found guilty of it will be penalized to the extent of rusticating from the college.
🅓 Smoking, chewing of tobacco, gutkha, etc. are strictly prohibited in the college campus.
🅔 It is the duty of every student to keep the college campus clean and beautiful. Spitting,
writing and sticking bills on the walls and trees are strictly prohibited.
🅕 Use of mobile phones in the class room is strictly prohibited.
🅖 Students should utilize most of their leisure time in the college library.
🅗 Every student should have fellow-feeling among them and sympathetic feeling for each
🅘 Students must park their bikes and bicycles in their respective stands.





OUR VISIONJaleswar College, Tapoban has been working with the aim to provide quality education to the backward and flood affected people of lower Assam. The only aim of the college is to educate the poor and downtrodden people of the remote area. It is the only institution which is the part and parcel to develop the society. The institution make great effort to impart value based education to the students and tries to improve them socially and educationally in order to help them progress with the changing time that needs the society. The college tries to provide quality teaching to students so that they can able to realize themselves to develop their inner-self with positive thinking and enlighten the society with potential capabilities.
OUR MISSION“But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.” - Robert Frost Jaleswar College, Tapoban promises to keep and impart amongst the youths of rural and backward section of people of the region and to make them responsible and competent to face the challenges of modern digital world. It also tries to establish quality product so that they can contribute towards the development of their society. The teachers aim to keep themselves fit with the changing time in their own fields in order to obtain quality product. The College has the mission to offer the best practices among people of the locality in order to help them to acquire knowledge globally for the healthy thinking and living. The college promises to work towards all-round development of the students and tries to fix humanitarian values in young minds.
GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS1. Students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college as may be prescribed by the college authority. 2. Students must pay all the dues at the time of admission. Part payment will not be accepted. 3. Any kinds of ragging or teasing of student in the college campus are strictly prohibited. Strong disciplinary actions will be taken if anyone is found to be involved directly or indirectly in ragging. 4. Students will require at least 75 percent of attendance in each subject during each semester. Otherwise no student will be allowed to appear in sessional /final examination. 5. Wearing of college uniform is compulsory during college hours on all working days. 6. Students should park their vehicle only in the allotted place of parking. 7. Students must possess the college identity card. 8. Use of any kind of intoxicants or smoking in the college campus is strictly prohibited and punishable. 9. No student is allowed to move here and there or sit on the verandah during class hours and they must not do anything which may cause disturb teaching in the classroom. 10. No notice or leaflet can be circulated anywhere in the college premises without the approval of the Principal. 11. The courses of study in the college are full time course. No student can take any other course at another institution at the same time. 12. Overall power for enforcement and maintenance of discipline are vested with the Principal and his decision will be final in all such matters.
MIGRATIONStudents from boards or council or universities other than AHSEC will have to produce Migration Certificate at the time of admission.

Jaleswar is the most remote area of the Goalpara District. The people in this area are backward socially, economically as well as educationally. There was no any institution of Higher Education in Jaleswar. At that time Hon‟ble Afzalur Rahaman was an M.L.A of Jaleswar Constituency who keenly observed all the scenario of his constituency and tried heart and soul to fulfill the entire aspects. In order to educate the poor and downtrodden people of the constituency, Afzalur Rahman decided to establish such kind of institution which is the part and parcel to develop the society. His high and philosophical thinking and love for the people encourage him to face any challenge to establish a college in such remote area. The needs of the people came to his soft heart spontaneously and take a bold step to establish a college.
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